Why Samia Nkrumah declined Cheddar’s proposal to be his running mate


Former Chairperson of the Convention People’s Party (CPP), Samia Nkrumah, has revealed the reason for turning down an offer from Nana Kwame Bediako, popularly known as Cheddar, to be his running mate in the upcoming elections.

Cheddar, the leader of the New Force party, had proposed the partnership, citing his admiration for the Nkrumahist tradition and his desire to continue the legacy of the first Ghanaian president.

In his political journey and ambitions, Cheddar takes inspiration from the zeal and vision of Nkrumah, and saw Samia as a fitting partner to help achieve this vision.

Despite the flattering nature of the offer, Samia Nkrumah disclosed that she declined the proposal.

Her decision was rooted in her political aspirations to return to Parliament, specifically eyeing the Jomoro constituency seat, which she once held but lost to Dorcas Affo-Toffey in a previous election.

Samia explained that she has invested significant time and resources into regaining the Jomoro seat and believes that the Nkrumaist tradition must be represented in Parliament.

When asked if her decision to turn down Cheddar’s offer was due to doubts about his ideology or his 12 policies of governance, Samia clarified that she believes in Cheddar both inside and outside of politics.

However, she stressed that politics requires a strategic approach, especially in times of crisis.

With Ghana facing economic challenges, Samia believes that different forces must come together to address the pressing issues of the day, such as poverty, education, and housing.

For her, the best way to contribute to this effort is by securing a seat in Parliament and ensuring that the Nkrumaist tradition plays a role in shaping the future of Ghana.

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