Plastic, rubber waste collectors; A heroic move for earth saving


Sachet and bottled water, a popular and affordable way to purchase drinking water, especially in many developing countries like Ghana.

These small, single-use plastic sachets are widely used due to their low cost and convenience.

However, the waste they generate poses significant environmental and health challenges.

Ghanaians do not seem to care about the way they dispose of plastic and rubber waste, most especially sachet water waste.

Passengers dispose of sachet and bottled water waste anywhere and anyhow, in the ‘trotro’, in the streets.

Some passengers leave the empty sachets and bottles on the floor of the ‘trotro’, which can create an unsanitary environment within the vehicle.

The driver or mate might later clean up, but this waste often ends up being improperly disposed of.

Because of this, sachet water collection has become an informal waste management sector that plays a crucial role in recycling and reducing plastic pollution.

They engage in door-to-door collection, picking from streets and public areas, depending on the volume of waste and the resources available.

Collectors may transport the sachets manually, using carts or bags, or with small vehicles like tricycles or motorcycles, and the collected sachets are taken to recycling facilities where they are processed into raw materials that can be used to produce new plastic products.

In some cases, sachet waste may be repurposed for creating items like plastic pellets, roofing sheets, or even art and craft materials.

While those who collect these recycled products may be thinking of making additional income by way of selling, what most of them don’t know is how they’re contributing to the fight against climate change.

The indiscriminate disposal of sachet water plastics is a significant environmental issue. When these plastic sachets are thrown about carelessly, they contribute to pollution, clog drainage systems, and create an unsightly environment.

This practice can lead to flooding during heavy rains due to blocked drains and has harmful effects on wildlife and ecosystems.

Bottle and sachet water waste, particularly when made from non-biodegradable plastics, can persist in the environment for hundreds of years. As these plastics break down into microplastics, they can contaminate the soil, leading to reduced soil fertility.

Contaminated soil can hinder plant growth by affecting water absorption and nutrient availability.

Over time, plastics can leach harmful chemicals such as phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) into the soil and water.

These chemicals can be absorbed by plants and enter the food chain, potentially causing health issues in both plants and animals, including humans who consume the crops.

More so, farmers may face economic losses due to reduced crop yields, lower quality produce, and increased costs associated with cleaning up waste and managing contaminated soil and water.

This can have a ripple effect on food security and livelihoods in agricultural communities. The accumulation of plastic waste in agricultural areas can disrupt local ecosystems.

Wildlife, including beneficial insects and soil organisms that contribute to soil health, can be harmed by ingesting or becoming entangled in plastic waste.

This disruption can lead to a decline in biodiversity, which is vital for maintaining healthy agricultural ecosystems.

Those who collect sachet water waste play a vital role in mitigating climate change. By collecting and recycling these wastes, they help reduce the amount of plastic pollution that ends up in landfills and oceans.

This action contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which are a significant driver of climate change.

Recycling sachet and bottle water waste helps conserve resources, reduce energy consumption, and minimize the environmental impact associated with plastic production. It’s a small but impactful step towards a more sustainable future.

Polythene does not naturally decay, decompose, or corrode, leading to long-term persistence in the environment.

When burned, polythene produces harmful emissions, including oxides of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur, which contribute to air pollution and can have adverse health effects.

The widespread use of sachet water has led to a significant increase in polythene waste, which is difficult to manage due to its non-biodegradable nature.

This can result in environmental pollution, including littering of landscapes, clogging of waterways, and harm to wildlife.

Uncollected waste from sachet and bottle water often accumulates in streets, open spaces, and natural habitats, leading to severe land pollution.

This not only degrades the aesthetic value of the environment but also harms soil quality and local ecosystems. Sachet waste can easily be carried by wind and rain into rivers, lakes, and oceans.

Once in water bodies, these plastics contribute to significant water pollution, harming aquatic life and ecosystems. Marine animals often ingest these plastics, mistaking them for food, which can lead to injury or death.

By collecting these waste, these individuals help prevent plastic waste from accumulating in the environment. When plastics accumulate in landfills or natural habitats, they release microplastics and harmful chemicals into the soil and water, potentially disrupting ecosystems.

Collecting sachet water waste contributes to a circular economy where materials are reused and recycled rather than discarded.

This approach conserves resources and reduces the demand for new raw materials, leading to less energy consumption and fewer emissions overall.

Their efforts can lead to more environmentally friendly practices within communities, helping to build a culture of sustainability that supports broader climate change mitigation efforts.

Many individuals, especially in developing countries, rely on waste collection as a source of income. By supporting their work, we also support social stability and development, which are integral to sustainable development goals, including climate action.

The importance of those who pick up sachet water waste to climate change is significant as they contribute to waste management, resource conservation, and reducing environmental pollution.

In conclusion, sachet and bottled water waste collectors are unsung heroes in the fight against plastic pollution, playing a vital role in mitigating climate change and promoting sustainability.

Source: Carolyn Tetteh


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