Pro-NDC radio hosts lead in indecent language violations for July – MFWA Report


The July 2024 edition of the Media Foundation for West Africa’s (MFWA) monitoring report on indecent language usage on radio has revealed that show hosts from stations affiliated with the leading opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), are the worst offenders.

This monitoring effort, which comes in the lead-up to Ghana’s December 2024 general elections, highlights growing concerns about the conduct of media professionals during this critical period.

According to the report, Nana Kwabena Bobie Ansah, the host of The Citizen Show on Accra FM, a pro-NDC station, once again topped the list of offenders.

Bobie Ansah, who was also the leading violator in June, recorded 30 infractions out of the 62 documented for the month of July, representing nearly half of all violations.

Following him were Oheneba Boamah Benie and Mugaabe Maase, both hosts on Power FM, another pro-NDC station, with six infractions each.

The report, which covers the period from July 1 to July 31, 2024, recorded a total of 62 instances of indecent expressions across ten radio stations.

The most common types of indecent language identified were insults and offensive comments, which accounted for 39 instances, and unsubstantiated allegations, which made up 17 instances.

Additionally, there were two infractions each related to provocative comments and expressions containing tribal slurs.

These violations stemmed from discussions on various topics, including elections, corruption, political party activities, conflicts, demonstrations, and general development issues.

A particularly concerning aspect of the report is that the worst offenders were often the show hosts themselves, individuals who are expected to uphold media ethics and ensure that on-air discussions remain civil.

The fact that these hosts are leading in the use of indecent language raises alarms about their role in potentially heightening tensions during the election season.

The report also notes the significant amplification of these indecent expressions through social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube, which further extends their reach and potential impact, posing additional risks to national peace and stability.

In light of these findings, the MFWA has issued several recommendations.

These include urging political leaders to promote issue-based discussions, calling on radio stations to enforce professional standards and respectful discourse, encouraging program moderators to set clear rules for decorum, and advocating for regulatory bodies to strengthen mechanisms that promote media professionalism.

The full report is attached below.

Indecent Language Monitoring Report_July_2024

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