Jacob Zuma votes after being barred from running himself



Hundreds of Jacob Zuma supporters ululated and chanted his clan names (“Nxamala!”, “Msholozi!”) as the 82-year-old former President arrived to cast his vote in his home village of Nkandla.

Wearing a white T-shirt with the green and black colours of his party, uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK), Zuma greeted officials and then sat down in Ntolwane Primary School.

After his ID was checked and left thumb inked, he was given three ballot papers. He carefully looked through them, smiled and said “all is in order, I can see my face on ballot papers”.

Just nine days away from election day, Zuma was barred from standing in the election by South Africa’s highest court.

The Constitutional Court ruled that his 15-month prison sentence for contempt of court disqualified him from the race. However, his face still appears on ballot papers.

After disappearing into the polling booth, he placed all three of the ballot papers into a box and waved. He briefly interacted with his supporters before being whisked away by his bodyguards.

Zuma shocked South Africa last December by ditching the ANC and making a fresh bid for power under the banner of MK.