Martin Amidu writes on Kissi Agyebeng’s trial in public opinion, Mahama and Airbus, Asiedu Nketia et al


On 17 May 2024 at 6:00 am, Kissi Agyebeng’s rented media house, Joy FM, as usual published a report intended to try me in the court of public opinion without providing any accompanying documentary evidence showing my signature to any document upon which it based my public trial.

I have learnt to live with the McCarthyism of Kissi Agyebeng and his executioners at Joy FM.

What has really baffled me, and which is what I have been trying to understand is the reason for which John Dramani Mahama who is the leader and flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has unleashed his NDC attack dogs such as Alhassan Suhuyini, Sammy Gyamfi, and to crown it all the Chairman of the NDC, Johnson Aseidu Nketiah, on me since 17 May 2024 based on hearsay evidence of a petition I am alleged to have submitted to the President on 30 April 2024 for the removal of the Special Prosecutor.

I cannot understand why the NDC will collaborate with Kissi Agyebeng’s preferred rented media house and his chief executioner, […], to make allegations against me without publishing the alleged petition on which the allegations are based to provide me
the opportunity to confirm or deny my signature and rebut or admit the accusations.

My trial, and the trauma it has caused me is allegedly based on a document written by the Chief Justice.

I have every reason to question the authenticity of the document attributed to the Chief Justice because I established with mathematical precision with the assistance of information and communication technologies (ICT) that a Joint Statement published at the instance of Kissi Agyebeng as a Joint Statement by the OSP and the Judicial Service of Ghana (JSG) was a forgery by the OSP when it displayed the OSP logo along side the Coat of Arms of Ghana as representing the JSG.

The Right to Information Commission (RTIC) has my evidence, has not concluded its mediation, and knows why I am not making my proof

In addition and firstly, I am not familiar with the signature of the Chief Justice.

Secondly, the document attributed to the Chief Justice has no reference number as required by public records administration to avoid forgery of official documents.

Thirdly, as a former student of the Tamale Commercial Institute, the first commercial institute in Northern Ghana, I cannot fathom a Chief Justice writing and signing a document in which she will refer to herself as “the Honourable Chief Justice”.

Fourthly, I do not think that the Chief Justice would have written and signed the document attributed to her and have it published in the media or leaked to the media.

Fifth, the alleged document was addressed to only Kissi Agyebeng, the Special Prosecutor, whose media house, Joy FM, broke the supposed news at 6:00 am on 17 May 2024 when the Chief Justice’s document was dated the previous day, 16 May 2024.

Sixth, I cannot fathom that the Chief Justice if she is the author of the document attributed to her gave the addressee a fiat to source the document to Joy FM.

Seventh, Joy FM and the NDC have refused or failed to publish the letter from the Presidency to the Chief Justice or the alleged petition for purposes of authentication to enable a reasoned response from me as the Joy FM’s accused in its trial in the court of public opinion.

Finally, it is impossible for me to have written a petition under my signature and referred to Kissi Agyebeng as “Honourable Kissi Agyebeng” as alleged in the document attributed to the Chief Justice.

I expect the Chief Justice, if she really wrote the document making the rounds and did not publish or authorize its publication in the media, to react to the authenticity of the letter or the memorandum and its contents to put the public mind at rest or take such steps as will restore the integrity of the Judicial Service as not being part of my trauma resulting form my trial by Kissi Agyebeng, Joy FM, and the NDC in the court of public opinion.

What my trial by Kissi Agyebeng and his chief executioners at Joy FM have done by their attempt to try me in the court of public opinion has rather fortified my determination to defend the 1992 Constitution to ensure that no citizen is presumed guilty in the court of public opinion without the accompanying evidence being made available to the public to make an informed judgment.

Kissi Agyebeng, Joy FM, and the NDC’s McCarthyism must be stopped by all patriotic citizens before they implode the 1992 Constitution.

John Dramani Mahama as the leader of the NDC sent the Chairman of the NDC to Joy FM on 23 May 2024 to speak against my integrity by stating that: “The Martin Amidu I know, until this thing was done, I trusted that he was a very principled person. My faith in his being
principled is badly shaken.”

After dehumanizing and dishonouring my person, the NDC Chairman did not stop at that.

The Chairman of the NDC speaking on behalf of the leadership of the NDC stated further without any supporting evidence that: “He shouldn’t have done that at all. I am still trying to understand why. Comrade Martin, have you abandoned your view that Nana Akufo-Addo is the mother serpent of corruption?

Or you still hold that view? If you still hold that view, when you came to a roadblock that I want to do this thing against finance minister and the president said no way, you resigned and came to open up.

If your successor has come to a similar roadblock and the president is demanding his resignation, won’t you show solidarity? But you are rather making yourself the tool for the president to be able to achieve his objective of fighting those who are fighting corruption.”

John Dramani Mahama, your hatchet man Alhassan Suhuyini called me unprintable names on 17 May 2024 and so did your Sammy Gyamfi on 20 May 2024. There were other NDC appointment seekers even before the 7 December 2024 elections who were assigned by the
NDC to discredit me without producing any evidence, but for you to permit the Chairman of the NDC to come after me while you hide in the shadows is unacceptable to me. I do not owe my integrity to anybody in today’s NDC because it is not the NDC we founded in 1992 to
transition the PNDC into constitutional rule when I was the Chairman of the House Committee of the Consultative Assembly and, therefore, the liaison between the PNDC and the Assembly.

The Chairman of the NDC, a person presumed to be of high moral character and proven integrity permitted himself to be appointed by a self-confessed … NDC Speaker of Parliament onto the Board of the Parliamentary Service despite a glaring and impermissible conflict of interest under Article 284 of the 1992 Constitution. Only idiots will cherish the moral values of such a Chairman of the NDC.

In any case, Asiedu Nketiah and John Mahama have you ever heard that as a politically exposed person, I set up a stevedoring company and was assisted by GPHA to milk Ghanaians during the regime of any of the Governments under which I served? Did I publicize the facts about Asiedu Nketiah’s stevedoring business at Tema as the Special Prosecutor before I sent Joshua Hamidu Akamba to warn him about
attacking my integrity? Asiedu Nketiah, I wish to refresh your memory that the abbreviated name of the stevedoring company which was also involved in oil and gas etc is – KMSC- and to remind you that the partners you used your public position to cheat out of the company for your son you brought from Canada to manage KMSC are still aggrieved and alive.

I left loads of facts and evidence on pending investigations, including documentary evidence at the OSP in some of which Kissi Agyebeng was the lawyer for the suspects.

Kissi Agyebeng because he has converted the OSP into an instrument for political vindictiveness instead of a law enforcement agency has refused or failed to make available to Joy FM the facts and evidence on the National Lottery Authority/TekStart Africa Limited investigation in which he was the lawyer for one of the suspects.

Kissi Agyebeng has also suppressed from trial in the court of public opinion the bribery and corruption investigation involving Kissi
Agyebeng’s partner at Cromwell Gray LLP and client, Anas Aremeyaw Anas, in the Charles Bissue case in which Kissi Agyebeng wrote to the OSP during my tenure as the lawyer for Anas Aremeyaw Anas, to mention but a few suppressed investigations.

The Charles Bissue investigation docket is with Kissi Agyebeng who has refused to cause Joy FM to publish for trial in the court of public opinion the reasons John Mahama used to order the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to issue a Government of Ghana Service Passport to Anas
Aremeyaw Anas and one other under the pretext of attending a mere short conference in Cambridge University in the UK.

The Charles Bissue docket at the OSP also contains the impersonation and corruption employed by Kissi Agyebeng’s partner and client, Anas Aremayaw Anas, to register ORR Resources Enterprise for the entrapment of citizens which Kissi Agyebeng has refused to make available to Joy FM for publication and the trial of his partner, Anas Aremeyaw Anas, in the court of public opinion.

Does the fact that a court of law heard the charges against Samuel Adam Mahama Foster and his UK friends in the Airbus SE-Ghana case and issued an arrest warrant for them resulting in the INTERPOL Red Notice not signify beyond doubt that Government Official 1 is his elder brother, John Dramani Mahama, who was the Vice-President and later the President of Ghana at the time of the bribery loot of almost €5million from the public purse?

I led the Airbus SE investigation and showed the head of investigation at the OSP at the time, then Inspector Mark Karikari and his team, the hotels and leased apartment Samuel Adam Mahama Foster and his UK friends resided in, including the government property sold to Michael Abu Sakara Foster where Samuel Adam Foster claimed as his abode on the forms he filled at the Ghana Immigration Service at the Kotoka International Airport upon his first entry into Ghana with his UK friends.

Apart from acquiring all the immigration records of entry and departure from Ghana of Samuel Adam Mahama Foster and his UK friends as part of the Airbus SE-Ghana corruption investigation, I managed to secure bank accounts and statements of Samuel Adam Foster as
supporting evidence. I also showed the investigation team the office of Abu Sakara Foster at the T junction at the Adabraka/Kokomlemle junction on the Kojo Thompson Road in case he was required for interrogation.

This is how thorough the Airbus SE investigation was conducted by the OSP under my watch before I postponed the investigation to after the 2020 elections to avoid accusations of election interference.

I never published the foregoing salacious facts which would have affected the 2020 elections including the names of the hotels and apartments Samuel Adam Foster and his UK friends stayed while in Accra for the corruption transactions facilitated by his elder brother, John Mahama, because it was not ethical to do so before interrogating him and charging him with an offence before a court of law.

I even refused to invite John Mahama for interrogation before the 2020 elections in order not to be seen using the OSP as a tool of political electioneering campaign on behalf of the NPP Government. The insults I received from the NPP Government and its supporters are published online for those who care to read. Kissi Agyebeng has the OSP dockets so why has he not caused the NDC’s executioners at Joy FM to publish same and try John Mahama in the court of public opinion just as he has been doing to selected and targeted victims since his assumption of office as the Special Prosecutor?

Asiedu Nketiah and John Mahama, if you claim to be incorruptible, kindly make a promise to Ghanaians that should you win the 2024 elections you will invite the Scotland Yard to conduct an investigation into the Airbus SE-Ghana scandal in which the American, the British, French, and Spanish Governments already identified Government Official 1 as Samuel Adam Mahama Foster’s elder brother who served as Vice-President and President of Ghana.

Asiedu Nketia and John Mahama will you kindly inform Ghanaians of the owners of the Tamale Catering Rest House which was divested to a former NDC National Executive and Minister of State who has left the property in disrepair as an eye sore in the city of Tamale? What is the marital relationship of one of the owners who bought the Tamale Catering Rest House to John Mahama? Come clean with the true facts and evidence before Ghanaians, you men of integrity and high moral character determined to fight corruption in 2025.

Nana Asante Bediatuo wrote a needless letter in November 2020 after I resigned as the Special Prosecutor leading me to explain why I perceived the then President to be a mother serpent of corruption in the Agyapa Transactions. I stand by every word I wrote in riposte to  the defamatory words used against me in that needless letter from the Presidency.

Despite my views on mother serpent of corruption, the Ghanaian electorate voted for the mother serpent at the 2020 Presidential election in preference to the Airbus SE-Ghana’s Government Official 1 as to who was more corrupt.

Asiedu Nketiah and John Mahama, do you want Ghanaians to believe that despite the verdict of the electorate at the 2020 Presidential election you expected any constitutional activist who has dedicated his life to defending the 1992 Constitution to violate the same constitution by refusing to recognize the person who took the constitutional oath on 7 January 2021 as the President of Ghana?

You must be anarchists parading as believers in the 1992 Constitution, democracy, and the rule of law.

Asiedu Nketiah and John Mahama, did your self-confessed corrupt Speaker of Parliament not meet the President in Dubai in 2021 before he returned to Parliament to turn a closed eye to his own determination that rejected the 2022 Budget Statement ad Economic Policy of Government?

Did you not see, observe, and read the reaction and excitement amongst your Minority Leader and his team after meeting the President on 20 May 2024. Does it lie in your mouth to insinuate that as a constitutional activist I should not recognize Nana Akufo-Addo who beat your John Mahama at the 2020 elections as the President of Ghana? I defend the 1992 Constitution and I cannot dispute the will of the people at Presidential elections conducted under it, notwithstanding my personal views.

The NDC cannot wish that because the NDC created and empowered Anas Aremayaw Anas as a covert Government agent after the 2008 elections when his law partner at Cromwell Gray LLP is appointed the Special Prosecutor in 2021 by the NDC’s adversary, the constitution and laws of Ghana should be suspended until the NDC assumes office in 2025 to take advantage of the relationship between Anas Aremeyaw Anas and his partner to boast that Kissi Agyebeng their political hatchet man and executioner was an  appointee of the

I am the person who started writing about Nana Akufo-Addo’s long game to break the 8 which inured to the benefit of the NDC when nobody dared to study and analyse the open source security and intelligence materials on the issue at the time.

John Mahama also knows that when his emissaries assured me that he had repented the past, I wrote articles criticizing the Government and Kissi Agyebeng for highlighting the Airbus SE-Ghana investigations without any reference to the Agyapa Transaction Report.

The NDC and Joy FM never accused me of colluding with the NPP at the time. Joy FM and NDC are so cowardly not to publish the alleged petition I am alleged to have submitted to the President on 30 April 2024, but rather resort to insinuations to try me in the court of public opinion.

The NDC has thrown the first stone and I am ready, able, and willing to make more detailed scandalous revelations supported by facts, figures, and evidence about the integrity of the NDC if that is what John Dramani Mahama and Asiedu Nketiah want.

I dare Kissi Agyebeng, Joy FM, and the NDC to make available to the public whatever petition they claim they have in their possession for which they are trying and traumatizing me in the court of public opinion to enable me to authenticate whether the signature on the
petition is mine and then react to their accusations. Let the heavens fall, I will continue to defend the 1992 Constitution against all greedy bastards abusing the rights of citizens under the guise of law enforcement.

I will also continue to fight against corruption and the trial of citizens in the court of public opinion for the profit of media houses and their collaborating entrepreneurial nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) parading as anti-corruption crusaders even when I am in a minority of one Ghanaian.

Martin A. B. K. Amidu
26 May 2024

By Section 7 of Act 959 – “A person who is appointed, seconded, or otherwise engaged by the Office shall be subjected to vetting.” Consequently, I caused the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) (now the National Intelligence Bureau (NIB)) to vet the staff of the OSP
during my tenure.

Kissi Agyebeng claims to have engaged employees without complying with Section 7 of Act 959 or Regulation 35 of L.I. 2374 on the Oath of Office and Official Secrecy to be sworn before the named designated officer set out in the Second Schedule before they assume office or perform a function of the OSP.

Kissi Agyebeng instead chose without any authority under Act 959 to invited foreigners from a United Stated secret security agency led by an African-American lady to compulsory conduct polygraph test on citizens of Ghana allegedly engaged by him using two or three stations of polygraph equipment for two weeks at the OSP.

The Minister for National Security ought to inform Ghanaians whether the secret polygraph tests compulsorily conducted on those citizens of Ghana purportedly employed by Kissi Agyebeng is consistent with the national security and intelligence laws of Ghana. Is the
Ministry of National Security, with its National Security Co-ordinator and the NIB, without the capability for conducting polygraph test on citizens of Ghana to warrant an invitation to a foreign security agency to gather information on citizens of Ghana through unapproved
polygraph test? The polygraph testing is to be unlawfully continued at a later date at the OSP.

Ghanaians be warmed of who you have as your Special Prosecutor! [26 May 2024].