Charles Owusu goes hard on Ex MASLOC CEO over corruption charges



Independent parliamentary aspirant for Nkoranza North, Charles Owusu, has criticized the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC), Sedina Tamakloe-Attionu, over corruption charges.

The former MASLOC CEO was convicted to 10 years in prison with hard labour for causing financial loss to the state.

She was found guilty on 78 counts of causing financial loss to the state, theft, conspiracy to steal, money laundering, and contravening public procurement laws.

Speaking on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsem, on Wednesday, Mr. Owusu expressed shock that Madam Tamakloe-Attionu was found guilty of all charges.

He could not fathom how one person could embezzle such huge amount of money, which could have been used to help the poor in the country.

“It’s sad to think that it is women who are behind all these allegations. Women are known for being passionate. If it were her company, she wouldn’t have done that. MASLOC was created to help the poor in the country. Can you imagine the number of people that the money could have helped? But out of greed, one person took to all,” he bemoaned.

Charles Owusu chided public officers who steal state funds to enrich themselves to the detriment of Ghanaians.

Public officers think the state-owned companies are theirs. We run the country as politics not as a business, so the country is always running at a loss,” he fumed.

Mr. Owusu stressed the need for politicians to be diligent in their work and understand that a day of reckoning will always come.

“There is a lesson to be learned. Politicians should be careful. They should understand that a day of reckoning will always come so they should be diligent in their work,” he advised.

He further called on Mrs. Tamakloe-Attionu to respect the laws of the country and to come back to face the consequences of her actions.


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