Latest on Osino SHTS violent attack



Osino Presby Senior High Technical students (SHTS) in the Eastern region is under heavy police deployment following the violent attack on Monday that claimed one life.

The move by the Fanteakwa South District Security Council (DISEC) is to restore calm and order into the area as well as ensure safety of residents.

In addition, Starr FM reports the Ghana Education Service(GES) and DISEC are considering a temporarily shut down of the school.

According to reports, a student from Nsutam Senior High Technical School was passing through Osino SHS and was accosted by some students in a renewed feud.

The culprits are said to have assaulted the victim, seized his and GHC10.

Upon learning of the incident, the PRO of Nsuapemso, a mining firm, Kwadwo Isaac and a teacher went to OSSEC campus to address the issue.

However, upon arrival, the irate OSSEC students began pelting them with stones and sticks, prompting them to flee the scene, leaving the car behind.

The students reportedly vandalized the vehicle and set it ablaze.

The body of the deceased has since been transported to the Police Hospital in Accra for autopsy as investigations continue.


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