Near chaos in Parliament over anti LGBTQI+ Bill [Video]


Sponsors of the controversial anti-LGBTQ bill are furious over the lack of action on their Bill.

The Private Members’ Bill, sponsored by Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram, Sam George, has been stuck at the consideration stage for months without progress.

But before Parliament adjourned for the day, Sam George voiced his concerns.

“This is something that will take us one hour. For three weeks, what is the problem of this august house with dealing with this bill, which matters to the Ghanaian people? So Mr Speaker, I want to know if there is a problem with us taking this bill once and for all. If there is no problem, let’s take it,” he told the House on Wednesday, December 6.

Deputy Majority Whip, Lydia Alhassan said there was enough time before Parliament’s break to deal with the matters relating to the controversial bill.

She added that, the Chairman of the Committee, who proposed the amendment in the Bill was indisposed at the time and absent on the floor.

“The committee chair is not available and the directive is that we end with the questions. We engaged and the agreement is we end on questions and we continue tomorrow… We have the whole day tomorrow for other businesses. How long does it take, less than an hour we’ll be done with the budget my dear,” she added.

Despite this, the Deputy Speaker adjourned the House, throwing it into near chaos.

Legislators from both sides exchanged words as they exited the Chamber.

The drama continued outside the floor as the foyer saw a heated outburst by the minority members.

At a brief conference after the sitting, Sam George took exception to what he believes are calculated attempts by some members of the Majority to prevent the progress of the Bill.

He found the reason given for the postponement untenable.

“The excuse given today that the chairman of the committee is not in the chamber so we can’t take the amendments is alien to the practice of this house.”

“Those who have gone and gotten influenced by persons who have an interest in the LGBTQ should return whatever influence they have collected because we will fight, and the next time we address the media, I will mention names.

“I’ve been impressed upon today by my co-sponsors, not to mention names and it’s out of respect for them that I’m not mentioning names… How can this bill spend almost three years, this bill was introduced in 2021,” he exclaimed.