‘FixTheCountry’ challenges police injunction on December demonstration


Pressure group, FixTheCountry is crying foul claiming the Ghana Police Service has secured another injunction against the group’s planned one-month-long demonstration.

The group, months ago, announced they would demonstrate every day in the month of December over what they described as the worsening cost of living.

The group now says it cannot go ahead.

At a news conference, the group described the actions of the Police as frustrating and unjust.

Convener of the group, Naa Densua Voilet Allan, says the Inspector General of Police, George Akuffo-Dampare’s tendency to resort to the court rather than amicable dialogue smacks of bad faith.

“The inspector general of police in public remarks not only refused dialogue but expressed a preference for legal roadblocks dismissing our calls by suggesting that Christmas festivities outweigh the urgency of addressing our concerns.

“The IGP’s public commitment to use the courts to hinder us, coupled with subsequent injunctions raises serious questions about the independence of our judiciary,” she said.

In the face of the injunction, the group says they are now in court to overturn the decision of the court.

Additionally, they have rescheduled their planned demonstration to 30th December and will last for two days.

“We wish to announce that in response to the unjust injunction, we have filed an application at the Supreme Court seeking to quash this impediment to our constitutional right to protest as a result of the labour law. We are forced to make significant adjustments to the schedule we announced previously. We’re planning o hold the demonstration from 30th to 31st December,” she said.


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