Rapper Edem almost in tears after visiting Akosombo Dam spillage victims


Ghanaian musician Denning Edem Hotor, famed Edem Goget’em, is heartbroken after visiting victims of the Akosombo dam spillage.

The rapper was part of a delegation who donated some relief items to Mepe residents affected by the Akosombo Dam spillage on Saturday.

The items included cement bags, 400 mosquito nets, oil, and foodstuffs, among others.

The delegation was led by the National Democratic Congress’ (NDC) Director of Legal Affairs, Edudzi Tamakloe, and businessman Francis Kofi Kpolu.

Following the visit, Edem revealed the situation on the ground is far more devastating than what is been reported.

“When I saw the videos online, I knew that my people were in trouble, but after my visit, I realised that my people are in danger.

“I could not control my emotions when I saw how homes have been destroyed, people’s businesses wiped out entirely, and the most painful part was the lack of electricity because the electrical wires were in the water,” he said.

Taking to social media, the rapper appealed to all Ghanaians to come to the aid of the victims, adding that it is going to be months unending for them to have their lives back.

He, however, expressed gratitude to North Tongu Member of Parliament, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa and Mr Tamakloe for their support so far.


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