Liberia election: Ballot materials drown in a creek


The election in parts of Sinoe County in Liberia has been delayed after ballot papers were soaked in a creek while being transported by electoral supervisors.

Many people continue to wait around polling stations in anticipation of the election.

Another fact-checking group, the Federation of Liberian Youth, reported that two polling stations in Grisgby Farm have yet to vote due to the late arrival of polling materials.

Ballot papers became wet due to rain after the truck transporting the materials got stuck in the mud for hours.

National election officials are making efforts to dry the papers under the sun to start the polling.

According to Dubawa, the National Election Commission has acknowledged the issues in Sinoe County and is making efforts to resolve them for the elections to continue. Some counties continue to report incidents like inadequate ballot materials, which are negatively affecting the elections.

It is expected that the National Elections Committee will address the issues at a press conference. Early Tuesday morning, many voters queued at various polling stations in anticipation of the election.

Generally, the election has been peaceful in Liberia, but overcrowding in some polling stations is widely reported.

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