Reinstate WASS headmistress – NAGRAT tells GES


The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) has urgently appealed to the Ghana Education Service (GES) to reinstate the headmistress of West Africa Secondary School (WASS) and not single her out as a scapegoat.

During a press conference, NAGRAT President, Angel Carbonu, highlighted the lack of adequate resources for running Senior High Schools and pointed out that collecting money from students has become a common practice due to the shortage of funds.

It should be noted that the GES had previously interdicted the headmistress of WASS for allegedly collecting illegal fees from students.

However, NAGRAT’s President, Mr Carbonu, is now calling for the immediate reinstatement of the headmistress, arguing that the government should address the broader issue of limited resources available to schools.

Mr Carbonu emphasised the need for a more holistic approach by the government to tackle the funding challenges faced by schools.

He said without adequate financial support, schools are forced to resort to other means like collecting fees from students, which can lead to misunderstandings with education authorities.


Latest on interdiction of West Africa SHS headmistress