People’s Forum: Our roads are not even bicycle worthy – Lashibi residents lament [Photos]


Residents at Lashibi Shalom Spot, Community 18 to 20 in the Tema West constituency, say they are at their wits end after years of plying on bad roads.

The rains have left big potholes filled with water dirtying vehicles and breaking suspensions. It is no better when dry, plumes of dust engulf the area from passing vehicles.

A journey which should normally take five minutes on that stretch could last for over 45 minutes or more due to bumpy nature of the untarred road. Heavy vehicular traffic has become a daily occurrence.

Work began on the road to ease traffic four years ago but was abandoned by contractors after the 2020 general election.

Residents at Community 18 to 20 and those living in and around the abattoir have vowed to boycott the 2024 general election.

The only bridge in the area is now a death trap since it has not seen any renovation years after construction.

Some of the angry residents who spoke on People’s Forum, a segment on Adom FM’s morning show Dwaso Nsem Thursday said the road is not even bicycle worthy.

They stated that the roads get flooded when it rains preventing them from going to their homes.

However, all attempts to get the Tema West Municipal Assembly to fix the roads have proven futile.

Rather, they said the MCE ignored them when they offered to pay half of the cost for the construction of the road.

“The MCE told us she is not the Roads Minister when we complained about the bad roads. We know they will come during election; we are waiting for them,” they fumed.

Also, some taxi drivers who ply the Shalom Spot to abattoir road said they have sleepless nights over the bad roads.

According to them, they have to change shock absorbers, springs and other parts of their vehicles’ suspension on regular basis with attendant high cost.

They have resolved not to vote in the 2024 election if their Member of Parliament, Carlos Ahenkorah, does not intervene to get the road fixed.

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