Meet the famous pastor who was a land guard


Famous man of God, Prophet Azuka alias Ogya Nyame, has revealed the hustle and tussle he had to overcome to attain his recent feat.

As a person born into a struggling family, Ogya Nyame said he was forced to be independent at a not so ripe age which led him into the den of criminals.

According to him, he succumbed to societal pressure and engaged himself in all manner of vices including pimping services and working as a land guard.

“At that time ‘macho’ was the job in town so I had to learn it. I deliberately lifted weight to achieve that body and I started working as a land guard. We protected property and sometimes engaged in brutal fights to protect our clients’ possessions,” he told host Abena Ghana on The Journey show.

Ogya Nyame mastered the job such that he earned the street name ‘killer’.

Despite the odd jobs, he said he did not get the financial breakthrough he needed and had to resort to one pastor to the other for directions.

It was in the altar of one pastor that it was revealed to him he had spiritual calling and he was destined to be a pastor.

He remarked that he took his leave in anger and visited another church where the divine message was reechoed.

In just a day, he made the decision to heed to his spiritual calling and he has since not relented.