Three poachers arrested for killing wildlife



Three poachers have been arrested by Rangers of Mole National park for killing wildlife animals on two reserves.

The three suspects were arrested on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 after raiding the land marks at Jilinkong in the Sawla district and Laribaga in the West Gonja Municipal of the Savannah region

The three, Abroni Yelinge, 32, Dramani Gafaru, 20, and Manlidong Kasumaa aged 24, all farmers, were said to have killed a Mangoose, Watock and Roan antelope inside the reserve.

According to the park manager, Chief Ali Mahama, the suspects were fished out and handed over to the district police.

They will be arranged before the Bole district magistrate court tomorrow, March 29.


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