How I was detained in Germany for smuggling – Ernest Opoku recounts



Award-winning gospel musician and songwriter, Ernest Opoku, has recounted his encounter with German Immigration Officers and how God saved him from getting into trouble for alleged smuggling.

According to the ace musician, while traveling from Ghana to Germany, he was detained at their airport for possessing something he had no idea about.

“I remember I was travelling to Germany and when I got to their airport, I was told there was footwear (long boot) they suspect had some hidden items in it. I didn’t also know who kept it in my bag. It was my own luggage which I packed myself. They told me there is a shoe in my bag and I said I have no idea about it,” Mr Opoku narrated on Sompa FM in Kumasi.

He revealed that the officer opened his bag and indeed there was a shoe that they suspected contained some substances concealed in it.

A few hours into his detention while investigations were ongoing, he prayed and God gave him a new song which he later recorded with the title “Onyame Nim”.

Mr Opoku revealed that one of the officers went for all his belongings and told him to leave without waiting for the search and scanning to be completed.

“Eventually when they opened, there was a shoe, but surprisingly it wasn’t a pair. So they detained me and cut the shoe into pieces and scanned it in their machine. It was at that point where I said to God, (in Twi) ‘you know all my needs and all that I’m coming into this country to do; so, don’t let my enemies rejoice’,” he narrated.

“While I was singing the song, one of them who had come for his evening shift enquired from me and I told him they came for my luggage. He quickly entered the room, brought all my bags, and asked me to leave immediately because they were about to close,” Mr Opoku recounted.