Man deliberately crashes car after being caught sleeping with wife’s maid



In a desperate bid to avoid divorce, a man who was caught red-handed having an affair with the maid deliberately crashed his car with his pregnant wife in tow.

According to eyewitness accounts, Desire and his wife Edith were fighting in their speeding car before it swerved off the road and seriously injured a pedestrian.

The couple reportedly fought all the way from their home in Parklands before tragedy struck at the intersection. The unsuspecting pedestrian has been identified as an assistant builder.

Zhou who was taking a walk while waiting for a cement delivery for a project he was working on, was fortunate enough to suffer only a fractured shin. After hitting Zhou, the car went on and hit a precast wall which it destroyed before coming to a stop.

Concerned Bulawayo residents rushed to the scene and found husband and wife still engaged in verbal warfare. The man who was driving claimed his wife had grabbed the steering, forcing him off the road.

The wife vehemently denied the allegation and said her husband had threatened to kill them both after she had demanded a divorce. She said this was the first time he had deliberately crashed the car in a desperate bid to avoid a divorce.

Injured man being taken into an ambulance (Image: Bmetro)

The wife said when they crashed, they were on their way to the Central Police Station to get assistance with a divorce. She claimed her husband had been sleeping with the maid.

“I didn’t touch the steering. He said he once had an accident in the car but this time he would make sure we die in the second one. After dropping our child off at school, we had agreed to go to (Bulawayo) Central Police (Station) to get assistance with a divorce. He has been sleeping with the maid,” she said.

Charingeni who was taken to the United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) complaining of back pain was charged with negligent driving. His car was taken to the Vehicle Inspection (VID) depot for inspection.

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