Keep pushing me into depression – Xandy Kamel cries out over body shaming



Actress Xandy Kamel was in her feelings while addressing a latest body shaming comment directed at her from self-acclaimed fashion police, Charlie Dior.

Charlie, while critiquing an outfit Xandy wore to a programme, stated that the actress looks like a flower pot due to her pot belly in the flowery dress she wore.

Among other things, he categorised Xandy as one of the worst celebrities in terms of style, adding that he would burn the “horrendous look”.

The criticism, Xandy said she pays no heed to, but cannot overlook the body shaming comments from someone whose physique is similar to her body.

Interestingly, she said she had told some associates how she admires Charlie, only for him to make her a laughing stock and headline for news-hungry bloggers.

She expressed disappointment that Ghanaians cannot cut her some slack and love her for who she is.

“As long as you look just like me am fine and I leave you to your conscience , and God ?
That’s if only u have some. I know no one LOVES ME (XANDY). I know I have no FANS. I know I have no SUPPORT. I know I have no one to SPEAK UP ,ENCOURAGE OR STAND FOR ME. But I believe I have GOD WHO SEES ALL THE HATE I GET FROM YOU GUYS,” she wrote on her Instagram page.

The latest body shaming has affected Xandy since she made it clear a while back that her protruding stomach is as a result of PCOS and a miscarriage she suffered.

According to her, the constant comments are pushing her into depression. She called the wrath of God on critics who do not want her to enjoy her peace.


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