Maame Tiwa should not have questioned viability of charges against NAM1 – Martin Kpebu


Private Legal Practitioner, Martin Kpebu, says pronouncements by the Executive Director of the Economic and Organised Crimes Office (EOCO), COP Maame Tiwaa Addo-Danquah, concerning the viability of charges against Menzgold Chief Executive Officer (CEO) was wrong.

COP Addo-Danquah had said that it is becoming difficult to find evidence to prosecute Nana Appiah Mensah, aka NAM1, the former CEO of Menzgold.

She stated that it has rather become difficult to find the relevant laws to support the prosecution of NAM1 as laws that define the CEO’s offence have become difficult to obtain.

 “An example is the Menzgold case. Which law, which Act did he break? And it is becoming difficult even prosecuting that case because no law will define the offence,” she stated.

Speaking on JoyNews’ PM Express, Martin Kpebu stated that the EOCO boss has lost her credibility after making such pronouncements, especially concerning her history of pronouncements on controversial issues.

According to him: “Citizens are not happy at all that this came from Maame Tiwaa because, one, it was Maame Tiwaa who mentioned that the girls in the Takoradi kidnapping case have been found, the A-Plus tape about the money to see the President in the Flagstaff House and then there is a third case.

“So it means that sometimes too the messenger is very very important. Choose your messenger well. Maame Tiwaa shouldn’t have been the one to make such a pronouncement because as soon as that happened, the A-Plus tape, you heard it, where she was saying ‘Oh do you want to embarrass the government?” so you see that there are public statements where she has shown that political bias and all that so the messenger was totally wrong,” he said.

He argued that the EOCO boss’ statement that it would be difficult to find laws to prosecute NAM1 is rather flawed.

He noted that it would be difficult for all 14 charges leveled against NAM1 and Menzgold to be dropped based on unconstitutionality or lack of evidence.

 “For Maame Tiwaa to say it is difficult and all that, I lack words for it. Are you saying that out of these 14 charges none will stick? I think the best is that in these circumstances they should just hurry up and continue with the trial,” he said.

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