Barker-Vormawor dismisses A-G’s allegations


#FixTheCountry Movement convener, Oliver Barker-Vormawor, has dismissed allegations by the Attorney-General (AG) that he has failed to cooperate with police investigations throughout his arrest, detention and interrogations.

Documents filed on behalf of the AG at the Tema High Court had accused the youth activist of not assisting with investigations.

Mr Barker-Vormawor, who is said to be unwell, has put in an application for bail through his lawyers.

He’s facing the charge of treason felony over allegations he has instigated members of his group to overthrow government.

He has been in the custody of the police since February 11, 2022, when he was arrested at the Kotoka International Airport.

Documents filed in opposition to the bail on behalf of the Attorney General spells out challenges investigators have faced so far.

The AG says the youth activist has refused to obey a court order requiring that he grants the police access to his mobile phone.

A search warrant is also said to have been granted police investigators to visit the residence of Mr Barker-Vormawor.

The AG says he has failed to show the police any fixed place of abode within Ghana where he resides.

“That having regard to the nature of the offence and the punishment which conviction will entail, the applicant, a person with no fixed place of abode in Ghana is not likely to appear to stand trial if granted bail,” the AG argued.

The application for bail was to be heard on Thursday, March 10, 2022, but was adjourned as the lawyers for the youth activist said they had just received the documents filed by the AG’s office. The case is to be heard on Monday, March 14, 2022

The #Fix The Country Convener has filed an affidavit responding to the concerns raised by the AG.

He explains that when he was presented with the search warrant, he led the police to conduct intrusive and thorough searches at his home and all the other places that were named in the warrant.

Regarding his mobile phone, he explains when he received the warrant, his lawyers wrote to the Inspector General of Police entreating him to put in place the necessary arrangements for the search to be conducted in accordance with the warrant.

He added that he has since filed a case challenging the validity of the said search warrant.

The phone, according to him, remains in the custody of the police.

Oliver Barker-Vormawor assured he will show up to stand trial if granted bail.

“That I will make myself readily available to go through the present criminal proceedings and as I have done and continue to fully cooperate with any investigations which this criminal process may entail”

Portions of the AG’s documents allege that two different women had claimed to be the wife of the youth activist.

“That following his arrest, applicant directed the police officers to speak to a
lady in the United Kingdom that the applicant claimed was his wife, which
allegation eventually turned out to be false. Subsequently, another woman
showed up at the Ashaiman Police Station claiming to be the applicant’s wife.”

Mr. Barker-Vormawor insists he has only one wife who lives and works in Ghana.

“I will at the hearing of this motion, pray the honourable court to expunge the said scandalous deposition from the court’s records.

That one whole month into my arrest and detention (and as at the time of deposing
to this Affidavit), the Respondent is yet to charge me with the offence of Treason
Felony or take a statement from me in respect of that charge.

“That I am advised by counsel, and I verily believe the same to be true that the
Respondent has no genuine or reasonable or probably cause for my arrest or
continuous detention.

“That I am, again, advised by counsel, and I verily believe the same to be true that
the offence of Treason Felony is not supported by the facts of this case (including
all the depositions in the Respondent’s affidavit in opposition).

“That, finally, I am advised by counsel, and I verily believe the same to be true that
this is a proper case where this honourable Court ought to exercise its jurisdiction
to grant me bail pending trial and to make any other order(s) which the Court
deems fit.”.