Kwasi Botchwey Committee report not for the public – Barbara Asamoah


A member of the 13-member Committee tasked to research into the cause of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) humiliating defeat at the 2016 polls says the report won’t be made public.

Barbara Serwaa Asamoah maintains that the 455-page report was made for NDC members not for the entire citizenry.

Her comment comes following criticism of the NDC for not making the much anticipated Kwasi Botchwey report available to the public.

Aspects of the report include the restoration of the integrity of the party’s biometric register, going back to its social democratic philosophy, strengthening its intellectual and research base and listening to the voice of the grassroots.

They believe the findings by the committee vindicates their earlier predictions which caused the NDC’s defeat thus the opposition party’s decision not to release the document.

But Barbara Asamoah on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Tuesday stressed that the NDC is not obliged to make the report public.

“The report contains concerns raised by NDC members across the country so why are people saying we should make it public? She quizzed.

The former Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Resources is certain none of the 13 members on the Committee will leak the report.

“We swore an oath of secrecy so we are not entitled to make the report public. We have presented it to party executive so they are entitled to decide whether to make it public” she stated.

Barbara Asamoah is certain the recommendations by the committee will help rebuild a formidable party for a landslide victory in the 2020 elections.