Physically challenged man shares touching story as he gets set to wed


A physically challenged man, identified as Victor Nwankwo, has shared a sad story of his life, as he gets set to wed his lover.

To Victor, he never imagined a day will come when he would have a woman who will agree to wheel down the aisle with him.

Per his condition, he said he thought his lover, Chinaza would be like the other “frogs” that he dated since the last three years.

Not only did some break his heart, he said others stole the little money he had saved to facilitate his not-so-easy life.

In a lengthy and detailed write-up, he summed up his life experiences as well as eulogise his lover who he is set to wed on November 27.

He wrote:

On November 27th, I would walk down the aisle with my best half, not a better half. There is a popular saying ‘that you have to kiss many frogs before you kiss your prince charming’ , but in my case I don’t think I only kissed frogs, I swam with many frogs before meeting my soul mate. Before the congratulatory messages and ‘happy married life’ messages troop in, let me bore you with a story about my life and love.

I was born in Amechi, Awkunanaw, Enugu state. Growing up as other children, I had a dream, which wavered. Today, I wanted to be a doctor, tomorrow I wanted to be a professor, the only constant thing in my ambition was that I wanted to be someone who can make impact in my community and society at large.

My life was altered, when I was beaten up by a senior student in my secondary school, which affected my spinal cord and confined me to a wheelchair. My once bubbly and free life became limited by my disability. It took me a lot of mental resilience to accept my new condition, that I can’t walk again, because I hate being helpless.

My Dad died two years before the painful incident and I lost my mum, who was my pillar and backbone six years later. Life felt meaningless and worthless. I was forced to leave my serene village few years after my mother’s death, because she was the one taking care of me.

A lady, who was my first love, who promised to stay with me, after my mum’s demise, left too. Who will blame her? Who can vow to stay with a paraplegic man like me forever? Due to the heartbreak and my worsening condition caused by lack of care, I found myself in a home for the disabled in Ozubulu, Anambra State, where I was warmly accommodated.

I spent three years of my life with people of disability and for a moment, in my life I felt like I belonged somewhere. Like a man on a mission, due to some circumstances, I had to leave the home after three years and I was able to rent an apartment through the support of my friends.

My poor heart gave in again and it was stolen by a young lady, who like the one before, promised to be with me through thick and thin. A year later, she didn’t only steal my heart, she stole the little money I had and disappeared like dust. Having been through difficulties, I must confess, it hurt me so bad, but I couldn’t give up. I tried to remain strong and hired a caregiver to take care of me.

Due to my condition, I was always in the hospital treating one ailment or the other. My caregiver, abandoned me at the hospital, when I was admitted due to pneumonia. I could no longer afford my bills and her wages, she resorted to insulting and maltreating me, till she abandoned me at the hospital.

I spent over six months at the hospital and silently prayed for God to make it easy for me by taking my life. Fortunately, God not being man, didn’t answer my prayers.

After my long stay at the hospital, I was discharged and an NGO helped pay my bills and I hired another lady as my caregiver. Few days into her job she started treating me like a worthless thing and I couldn’t say if she hated her job or hated me.

One day, her friend visited her and it was like God remembered Joseph in the Bible and like an Esther to deliver the Israelites from Mordecai, she took strong pity on the way I was treated and without making any promise started to treat me like a human. We became closer, she became my caregiver, cook, friend, sister and soul mate.

Without making any promise, she walked with me through my darkest path, and when it rains, she is not just my umbrella, but my sunshine. I had spent weeks in the hospital, but having her by my side always quickened my recovery.

On November 27th, I will be wheeling down the aisle with the greatest gift, God has given me. When I wasn’t looking, I found her, when I had given up, she gave me hope, when I was broken she mended me and when I was gone, her smile brought me back to life.

Chinaza, if I am a flower, you will be my unbreakable vase. You are the only moon that shines through my darkness and the only star in my sky. Akwa ugo mụ, you are my compass, keep leading me home, which is your heart.

In your arms, I have felt abled, empowered, inspired and alive. This is my love story, I crawled through the thorny hills to find my treasure and I will be ready to go through that path again to find her.

I maybe disabled, but in you my love, I have found my ability. I walk with a broken spine, but you are my spine and I stand with you. Thank you for loving an ordinary disabled man from a small village, who has nothing to offer unconditionally. With you, there is no obstacle in life, I can’t face.

My treasure, as we prepare to say our vows before a priest of God, which is not just a vow, because you have stayed with me in sickness and disability, in poverty and emptiness and still staying. I promise to be the music of your soul forever. We live in an imperfect world, but with you, I can dream of a perfect and magical life not limited by any disability.

Dear friends, I share this story for the whole world to hear and share in our limitless joy and join us as we start our forever together. Please join us and support us in any way you can. Our numbers are 09061138830 and 08163755375. Thank you and God bless you as you do.