Mum with no appetite while pregnant gives birth to a huge 2ft tall baby boy


A woman has given birth to a baby boy who was so big and heavy, she said it “took two people to lift him out,” despite having no appetite during her pregnancy.

Amy Smit, 27, delivered baby Zagrys via Caesarean section on May 25 at a hospital near her home in Cheddington, Bucks.

Her son, known as Zeik, weighed a whopping 12.9lbs – just shy of a stone – and measuring two feet tall.

It was a shock to Amy and her husband Zac, 28, who said the tot was so large he didn’t fit on the weighing scales.

Amy, who is also mum to two-year-old Lola, said: “He was so big that it took two people to lift him out.

Lola holding baby Zeik
Two-year-old Lola, was also a big baby, weighing 9lbs 2oz. (Image: Brian Findlay /

“There were all these really small ladies around me, and I heard one of them saying, ‘I need some help, he’s enormous.

“When they lifted him above the screen for me and Zac to see, my first words were ‘b***** hell.

“We knew he was going to be a tall baby because all the scans showed he was quite long, and both Zac and I are around the six-foot mark.

“But we had no idea he would be that big.

“He didn’t even fit on the scales when they went to weigh him, he was too long and wide. They had to make a makeshift plank thing to balance him on them.”

The average birth weight of baby boys in the UK is about 7lb 8oz, according to the BBC.

The couple couldn’t believe their eyes when midwives lifted their baby up for them to see for the first time.

Amy added: “We had bought clothes for up to three months because we expected him to be tall.

Baby Zeik with mum Amy and Dad Zac
Mum Amy said she wasn’t hungry during her pregnancy (Image: Amy Smit /

“But none of them fit him. I had to send Zac out to buy six-nine month clothes for him.”

Amy and Zac’s first daughter, Lola, was also a big baby when she was born in September 2018, weighing in at 9lbs 2oz.

But Amy said she was struck by how different her appetite was during her pregnancy with Zeik, compared to her first pregnancy.

She said: “I just went off food. I never fancied any meals, I couldn’t eat meat or anything.

“During my first pregnancy with Lola, I was snacking all day long, I couldn’t stop eating.

Baby Zagrys Smit - known as Zeik - is a thriving tot
Baby Zagrys Smit – known as Zeik – is a thriving tot (Image: Amy Smit /

“But with Zeik I just had no appetite. And I just keep thinking, imagine how much bigger he could have been if I had eaten lots!”

Now, at two months old, Zeik is weighing in at a hefty 6.7kg (14lbs 12oz).

And Amy said he is a happy and smiley baby – and that his big sister is “besotted” with him.

She said: “Lola always wants to give him cuddles and be with him. She calls him ‘my baby’.”

And Amy joked: “Zac has already said he’s going to be a rugby player.

“He’s South African so he’s really into his rugby, and with Zeik’s size, he’s already calling him our little rugby player.”

Despite Zeik’s huge size, he does not quite win the record for the UK’s biggest baby – which goes to George Joseph King, born in February 2013 at Gloucester Royal Infirmary, weighing a staggering 15lbs 7oz.

And just last month, Amber Cumberland, from Aston, Oxon., gave birth to baby Emilia, who weighed a whopping 12lbs 14oz – just 5oz ahead of Zeik.