Why Bukom Banku cried after tough fight in US


Celebrated Super Heavyweight boxer, Bukom Banku, has shared some experiences and secrets of his career.

Born Braimah Isaac Kamoko, Bukom Banku, who started his career at the age of nine, said he had fought 42 matches and suffered just one defeat.

Making some first-time revelations on Adom TV‘s weekend entertainment show, Ahosepe Xtra, Bukom Banku disclosed a secret; the fight he regretted taking was not the one he lost to Bastie Samir, but that which made him cry despite his win.

The particular fight was with United States-based Michael ‘Amazing’ Gbenga which was held in the States after several call-outs, brags and threats.

Bukom Banku stated as Ghanaians and his fans worldwide were celebrating his victory, he was shedding hot tears in his hotel room due to the power punches his opponent gave him, which left his face and mouth all sore.

“It was a tough fight, Michael is a strong boxer. I had the money but I couldn’t eat after the fight. My lips were all sore and my teeth were weary. I could not even eat so my wife enjoyed the money for me,” he recounted suffering silently since he did not want his opponent to have a hint of the damage he had caused him.

Consequently, Bukom Banku reiterated that boxing is a ‘stupid’ game which can cause fatal brain damage and a low IQ.


That notwithstanding, the 42-year-old father-of-12 said he is preparing for another bout next month in Atlanta, for which he is thoroughly training.

When asked the reason for his fear, Bukom Banku revealed he does not know the potentials of his rival, coupled with insults he would receive from Ghanaians should he lose.