Motor rider dies in gory accident at Bonsu-Nkwanta


A motor rider has met his untimely death in a gory accident on the Prosohene Nkwanta to Bonsu-Nkwanta road.

The deceased male, identified as 40-year-old purchasing clerk, Akwasi Adane, was crushed to death after a collision with a Nissan pick-up.

According to residents, the victim had dropped off his wife at Bonsu-Nkwanta, but on his way back home, he collided with the oncoming car.

The owner of the pick-up with registration number NR-4141-Y was nowhere to be found when residents rushed to the aid of the badly injured motor rider.


It was unclear how the accident occurred since the scene is a lone road, but the victim suffered deep head wound, with his thigh bone sticking out of his flesh.

Mr Adane, who is believed to have died at the scene, was transported to the Juaboso Government morgue.