In Ghana we have an endless option of lots of flavourful meals but one thing we also have is a range of funny names we use for some of our food.
Who gives nicknames to their food?
Ghanaians! That’s who!
Plantain and beans
Nickname: Gob3 / Red Red
It’s Gob3 when gari is added and it’s just plain red red when there’s no gari and it’s just plantain with beans stew.
Nickname: Face The Wall
A meal made from dried and pounded cassava that is eaten mostly with groundnut soup.
Nickname: Bro Charles
Roasted, grilled, boiled, fried … there’s something special about Bro Charles that people love and others hate.
Roasted groundnut with corn
Nickname: Graphic and times
It’s a very tasty snack and gives you some really pleasant breath when you chew it.
Roasted plantain
Nickname: Kofi Brokeman
It’s roasted ripe plantain, sold and eaten with groundnuts.
Fried rice
Nickname: Check Check
The name only applies to fried rice sold by the streets. Any other kind is just fried rice and oh ps: it has to be made by a man!
Cat meat
Nickname: Joseph
Yes, some people eat cat. Don’t ask.
Ice cream
Nickname: Abele Walls
Homemade milk ice cream popsicles!
The next time someone says they’re going to get some Joseph or Bro Charles, you know exactly what they mean!