Coronavirus Church Ban: Prophetess arrested! [Photos]


The Akuapim South District Chief Executive and some security personnel have arrested the leader of The Break of Mountains prayer camp and an elder of the church at Pokrom, in the Akuapim South District of the Eastern region.

The arrest comes after the church defied President Nana Akufo-Addo’s order to all churches to suspend their activities for four weeks.

Maa Veronica in the african wear

The prophetess, known as Maa Veronica, was this afternoon at about 12:45 pm, arrested and her prayer Camp closed down for none compliance of the President’s order.

The church was holding its service on Wednesday when the District Chief Executive, Mr Frank Aidoo, accompanied by some security operatives made up of personnel from the Ambulance Service,Fire Service and some Health officers stormed the church.


Mr Aidoo explained that he received complaints of an ongoing activity in spite of the ban which forms part of drastic measures taken by the government to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus in the country.

After the arrest of the two, the congregants were schooled about the directives by the President to protect all citizens from the pandemic.

Currently the two are in police custody at Aburi.

Source: Kofi Siaw|Adom News

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