Now anybody can do poultry thanks to Smart Poultry initiative


The zeal for smart farming and Agriculture, in particular, has seen Eugene Ohemeng and his team at Honex Farms, introduce the Honex Smart Poultry scheme which seeks to bridge the gap in supply since our demand outweighs supply

When time changes our methods and processes must also change. We live in a smart world, technology leads every sector and farming shouldn’t be left out.

For Eugene Ohemeng, farming, which is one of the oldest trades, must be more advanced in its processes current technology.

“Basically, technology helps meet demand so without it there would be shortage, hence the need for imports so as the meet demand,” the CEO of Honex Farms noted.

“I don’t want to bore readers with statistics hence my common logic submission. However most checks prove my point, if we can meet demand we wouldn’t need to import so as the sustain our economy. Efficiency through Smart Farming would end shortage,” he posted in a recent article.

Smart Poultry

Smart Poultry

The farmer takes 120 layers, a cage, free feed, and Honex Farms will, in turn, collect from the farmer, three Crates of eggs from every day to sell and give the farmer back their profit.

Smart Poultry

Eugene Ohemeng is CEO of HONEX Farms