Galamsey sex video: Chinese Monica wants Baako to come clean


Veteran journalist Abdul Kweku Baako’s name and shame tactic on the subject of galamsey has caused a stir among the Chinese community in Ghana.

Mr. Baako mentioned Aisha Huan and another whose first name he gave as ‘Monica’ as involved in galamsey activities in the country.

A Chinese woman Monica Wei says she is suffering harassment and psychological hardship since Mr. Baako mentioned the name which happened to her first name as part of some women trading sex for political protection for their illegal mining businesses.

In a letter obtained by, lawyers for the 30-year old want the veteran journalist to clarify the identity of Monica as mentioned on Joy News analysis programme Newsfile last week Saturday.

On the May 6, 2017, edition of the show, a provoked Kweku Baako famed for his investigative journalism spilled the beans on reasons why the state appears powerless in fighting off illegal miners blamed for massive environmental degradation.

“…She’s got accomplices – the other one is called Monica, the other the name has slipped me because it’s a Chinese name. Part of their strength is that they built up a certain system of blackmailing. They are women so I’m not going to use certain words, I’m not going to say certain things.

“As to when they came into town, what they intend to do, who they were, what they were, had nothing to do with galamsey, but gradually they moved from that particular trade into galamsey.

“They have video and audio recordings of people who are powerful, videos of people who we have entrusted with responsibilities to protect us as a people. That’s how dangerous the game is and that is where the strength and power of these Chinese women are coming from,” he said.

But writing on the instructions of their client, Oslaw Associates say the failure or refusal of Mr. Baako to give more details is hurting their client’s reputation.

According to Monica Wei, she has no knowledge of any other Chinese living in Ghana by the name Monica.

The letter gives details of her identity as a Chinese who has been in Ghana since 2012 and has acted as an interpreter in Ghanaian courts when matters involving Chinese nationals end up in litigation.

She, however, acknowledged knowing the main suspect in the galamsey expose, Aisha.

The letter says Monica assisted another Chinese, Mr. Lee to report Aisha’s behaviour to the Chinese Embassy.