AUDIO: Nana Addo to revoke appointment of N/R DCEs if Bugri Naabu loses – Bugri boy claims


With a few hours to the Northern regional elections of the New Patriotic Party, Simak SK Shiraz, aid to the incumbent regional chairman of the party, Daniel Bugri Naabu, has made some damning allegations on Tamale-based Diamond FM.
Shiraz has, among other things alleged that the president has threatened to sack municipal and district chief executives in the region should Mr Bugri Naabu not be elected.
Listen to Shiraz’s voice below

He has also alleged that some of the aspirants are engaged in vote-buying, giving huge sums of money to some delegates in order for them to vote against Bugri Naabu.
According to him, one of the contenders of the chairmanship position, Alhaji Mohammed Adam Samba, has been in secret meetings with the brother of former President Mahama, Ibrahim Mahama, who he says is sponsoring his campaign.
He said claims that news making round that Alhaji Samba made donations to the NPP in the 2016 general elections are also false.
“It’s a fallacy for anybody to think and believe that Alhaji Samba is a financier of the party both at the regional and national levels”, he said.
Adom news gathered earlier that Alhaji Adam Samba, in the heat of the 2016 general elections, donated some 70,000 cedis to the party to campaign in the region.
But according to Sheraz, Alhaji Samba did not make any such donations to the party and is not the highest donator in the party as some people have credited him.
The aid to Mr. Bugri Naabu also indicated that a directive was issued from the seat of government, asking all MMDCEs in the region to throw their weight behind Bugri Naabu to retain his seat as the chairman of the NPP in the Northern region; else their appointments would be revoked.
But if what is happening in region is anything to go by, the directive has been blatantly disobeyed as some of the MMDCEs are openly supporting other aspirants.
Asked about how a letter written to the President made its way to the public, Shiraz said he wasn’t in the position to reveal who leaked the letter for security and investigative reasons but promised that the culprit will be duly dealt with by the presidency.
The said letter was written by Mr Bugri Naabu to President Akufo-Addo informing him that some of his appointees in the region had refused heed his directive.
Meanwhile, Muhammed Issah Media Aid to the Mohammed Adam Samba told Adom News that there was no truth in what the aid to the incumbent chairman had alleged.
He said claims made by Bugri Naabu’s aid that the president was supporting a particular candidate were false, adding that before Bugri Naabu came chairman in the region, there was someone so how could the president support one and leave others?
He alluded to documents which show that the Mr Adam Samba had donated to the party in the region in the 2016 general elections.
The Northern Regional NPP executive election will be held on Saturday April 28 with the hottest race being the one between incumbent chairman, Bugri Naabu and Mr Mohammed Adam Samba.