What do you think goes on in your girlfriend’s mind?
Okay, that could be quite a lot, with her thoughts likely ranging from how she’s going to change her weave, how she’s going to nail that presentation at work, how she’ll smash her next exam, how to secure the bag.
For those that are married, the things going through your wife’s mind could revolve around the things listed above as well as business ideas, how to execute them, more ways to secure the bag, how to care for the kids, and on and on like that.
But that’s on one hand. In a sexual sense; do you know what goes on in your partner’s mind and the things she fantasises about? Do you even know if she has any?
Chances are that she actually does. Don’t be surprised that she has some really dark/nasty/super banal desire she’s not telling you about… yet.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that women don’t have fantasies.
When women fantasise about sex, here are some of the most common things their mental images are centered around:
1. Someone unknown
American media hub, Healthy Place, asked women what they fantasised about the most and one of the most recurrent responses they got was women [names changed] saying they looked forward to meeting up with complete strangers and hitting it up for one night of madness.
The idea of sharing a passionate night with a stranger and behaving like a sexual predator doesn’t just sound inviting; it sounds delicious. And leaving after we’re done without even knowing each other’s names is the best part.
2. How about an orgy?
The idea of threesomes and in fact, more bodies, seems interesting to quite a number of women as well.
The freedom of being nude in front of a bunch of people who are equally exposed, allowing different men and women to touch and penetrate your body simultaneously is incredibly erotic, another woman says.
Sometimes, she just wants to take complete control.
3. Taking the reins – in a spectacular fashion
Women also like taking charge. And this is just not in a sense of getting into the cow girl position. Some of the things women want here include spanking him, ordering him to perform certain sexual acts, making him beg for what he wants, having him suck on their stiletto heels or some other phallic object.
4. She wants to put up a show
Another woman says she likes imagining that people are watching me while I’m taking my partner’s manhood into my mouth gives me a feeling of satisfaction because it makes me feel sexier.
Fuelling people’s voyeuristic needs is apparently a thing, too.
5. Master and subservient
Vicky says, having him instruct me on how to lick and suck his member or at what pace to ride him will make me orgasm faster than I can say ‘Yes, Master.’
On the other hand, Denise interrupts, saying; It depends. In some fantasies I obey, yet in others I fight him and refuse to do anything he says until he finally ties me to the bed and calms me with his rhythmic penetration.
Sex with a stranger ranks high in the fantasies women have. [Sexville]
6. Another woman
The idea of touching another soft, hairless body and softly sucking her tongue, amongst other things, seems very erotic, according to Sara.
7. More than one man
Women also say they think about having more than one man to themselves, just as men fantasize about sex with more than one woman.
One of the women says she would love to have the two men performing oral sex and penetrative sex on her at the same time. Another wants anal sex and vaginal sex at the same time while blindfolded all through.