5 scary reasons Ghanaian men fear to get married


The idea of marriage, especially in Ghana, is highly a sacrilegious one as most people find it to be a fulfillment of God’s order to men to go multiply the earth and also be fruitful.
In fact, the concept of marriage has also seen society couch a specific timeline suitable for young men and women to marry so that living beyond these timelines without a ring in the finger sometimes raises eyebrows.
Many of us feel the pressure is always on women to get married but no, it is the other way round – the men. So many men in Ghana today are happily single for reasons best known to them.
But there actually are solid reasons for which many men choose to remain single and YEN knows some of them.
1. Bride price
Of late, the bride price in Ghana keeps getting outrageous by the minute with families demanding all kinds of unthinkable amounts of money for their daughters. If this is anything to go by bride price continues to be a thorn in the flesh especially for a guy who lives on a strict budget.
2. Marriage list
Aside the bride price is the annoying long list presented the prospective bridegroom in the lead up to the wedding. What is contained in this list is just unimaginable!
3. The lockdown
Many guys love their freedom – chilling with the boys at the bar, watching football matches and so on. They often find marriage as that cage with a huge padlock which locks them down away from their usual activities. True guys?
4. Girlfriends drama 
It’s no surprise that 2 in every 3 Ghanaian men have some girlfriends in their pockets. With infidelity being their weakness, getting married to one and leaving the other is not just scary but a chance for fights and this they will never sacrifice.
5. Unemployment 
With the growing unemployment rate in the country, most single men are shying away from saying “I do”. Marriage in itself is an institution for the serious ones so that going in for someone’s daughter whereas you are woefully unemployed will be like going on a battlefront without a weapon.