2024 polls: Alan promises government salary scheme for Arabic teachers


Founder and leader of the Movement for Change, Alan Kyerematen has vowed to implement comprehensive measures to enhance the lives of all Zongo community residents if elected.

A key aspect of his plan is the integration of Arabic school teachers into the Ghana Education Service (GES), ensuring they receive regular salaries for their essential work.

Mr Kyerematen also pledged to enrol teachers at Arabic schools (Makaranta) in a government salary scheme if he becomes president.

“It’s unfortunate that Makaranta teachers are not recognized as part of the Ghana Education Service because teachers are teachers everywhere. I am committed to ensuring that when I become President, Makaranta teachers will be integrated into the GES,” he stated.

Speaking at the launch of Zumunta, the Zongo wing of his party at Darkuman in Accra, Mr. Kyerematen criticized both the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) for neglecting Zongo communities despite receiving significant electoral support from them.

He highlighted the need for change and shared his vision for a better Ghana.

Source: Adomonline

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