20 subtle signs you have repressed emotions


Lots of times it is very easy for us to repress and hide how we feel because it’s easier, but it’s important to recognize the signs of repressed emotions and do something to learn how to express yourself

According to Healthline, “repressed emotions refer to emotions that you unconsciously avoid. These differ from suppressed emotions, which are feelings you purposely avoid because you don’t know exactly how to deal with them.” 

Repressed emotions that are never processed can plague you with psychological disorders and symptoms. They usually stem from childhood trauma

How a person handles emotions comes from how they observed their parents when they were children. So, if their parents did not handle their emotions or face them head-on, then they are less likely to be able to handle their own feelings. 

Many people with repressed emotions feel disconnected from the feelings that they have come to fear

Usually, the repressed emotions are particularly negative. They consist of sadness, fear, anger, frustration, and disappointment. 

At some point in life, a person who has repressed feelings may have been told over and over again that they weren’t allowed to have those types of emotions because they were considered bad feelings. So, you stop expressing and having those feelings because it was reinforced that you should keep them to yourself.

And above all else, it is hard for people with repressed emotions to face them because they don’t want to be judged. 

Having some unresolved emotional issues can actually evolve into physical sickness. But it can happen when you leave emotional issues to fester like a sore.

It’s important for you to know the warning signs that you are repressing your feelings so you can work to reverse your repression tendencies and live a happier and healthier life.

Here are 20 subtle signs you have repressed emotions, and how to release them:

1. Passive aggressiveness

You are passive-aggressive in upsetting situations.

2. Numbness

You feel numb and blank a lot.

3. Avoidance

You avoid being alone with your own thoughts.

4. Forgetfulness

You are forgetting things constantly.

5. Feelings of uncertainty

You feel uneasy and uncomfortable when others discuss their feelings.

6. You don’t speak up

You go along with everything and you do not express your wants.

7. Nervousness

You may feel nervous or stressed the majority of the time.

8. Social media addiction

You use social media, TV, and other substances or activities to keep you from feeling.

9. You don’t show emotions

You don’t cry at all.

10. You’re distressed

You feel distressed and irritated when someone asks how you are feeling.

11. Feelings of control

You always need control.

12. Overreactions

You overreact to every small thing.

13. Feeling not fine at all

You think you feel fine when you are not.

14. Hiding your feelings

You hide your true feelings.

15. Low self-esteem

Your self-esteem is shattered.

16. Exhaustion

You feel tired for no reason.

17. Can’t sleep

You have sleep problems.

18. You can’t think straight

Your mind is foggy.

19. Sickness 

You are always sick.

20. Weight loss/gain

You may struggle with weight issues.

Ways to start expressing your emotions:

When you realize that you are repressing your emotions, you have to take drastic measures to stop them for your emotional and physical health.

1. Talk about your feelings because when you talk about them, it’s like a release that will make you feel better.

2. Praise yourself because you have to reaffirm that you are doing the right thing at the moment and that you are happy in life.

3. Build relationships because you need that connection with other people so that you can have someone to lean on. 

4. Understand other people’s feelings because it’s important for you to be able to handle other people leaning on you too and then you can ask them for advice if you are going through the same thing. 

5. Learn helpful ways to work on your emotions because you need outlets to work on your emotions. It may take a little while to find what works best for you, but you will feel so much better. 

6. Start trying to understand your own feelings because when you understand your feelings, then you will be able to realize when it’s happening and then you can stop it.